We are currently engaged in reaching out to the daily wage earners and underprivileged families, residing in India, with food, masks and soaps. With no income during nation-wide lockdown, these families lost access to the most basic necessity - food. Countless have been going without food for days and their very survival is now at risk. Our efforts are now focused on their health and safety. While our food kits of rations rice, pulses, potatoes, oil, salt and biscuits are providing them with sustenance, the masks and soaps are protecting them against the virus.
Awareness is the greatest agent for change
They are ready for rescusing you call them when in need!
' ' We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone ' '
Help us to feed poor patients and their families outside
hosptials. Your small contribution will support us to feed
family members & caregivers of underprivileged patients
in the hospital. Majority of the underprivileged patients
admitted in Government hospitals are those who come from
nearby states are often poor in several cases family members
decide to stay hungry to save money.
Our Corona Warriors 'No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks'
To the Unsung Heroes,
We would like to send our appreciation and love for the hardwork you're doing to save lives. Being on the frontline isn't easy nor safe, but your skills are truly making an impact. Words cannot express how grateful we all are to have people with such dedication, courage, and strength. Your energy, spirit and immense sacrifices are a source of inspiration for many. You're truly our HEROES. Thank you for not giving up!